Monday, 19 July 2010

Getting to know your customers...

What would your world be like without customers? Some may have answered, “a lot easier!” But truth of the matter, without customers you wouldn’t be in business very long. Customer service has always been key to growing your business. Remember how important those customers are to your success! Here are some ways to really get to know your customers.

Make it personal
Pick up your phone and call some of your best customers. This will show them that you truly care about their business. You may be amazed at the personal connections you can make, and also how you can help each other professionally. Another option is writing a few personal thank you cards.

Conduct a survey
Get inside the heads of your customers. A survey is a great way to find out what your customers think of your business. Knowing what your customers want is usually half the battle. A survey will give you insights into new directions for your business to go.

Do some research
Lastly, do some market research. Do you know your target market? What types of customers are producing the best revenue for you? Research lets you learn how to keep your best customers and how to reach more like them.

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

50% Extra Free - Special Offer - Minuteman Press

- The very best digital presses in Bath -
- 24 hour turnaround available at no extra cost -
- Fixed pricing -

Look at this example price:

 1000x A5 Leaflets
Printed full colour single side
on 140gsm Silk

we will then add in 500 extra free leaflets, giving you 1500 full colour leaflets for £125!
Contact us today for a copy of our full colour digital printing price list
01225 44 2000


* Offer available on full colour digitally printed leaflets and folded brochures placed in July and August 2010.
Offer applies to quantities of 250, 500 or 1000 maximum.  48 hour turnaround - 24 hours on request, from signing off your proof.

Printed on 140sm FSC Silk or Gloss
Boxer shorts are for illustrative purposes only and are not included in this offer.

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